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Deliverance Family Worship Center (D.F.W.C) was born on Sunday, January 2, 2000. DFWC's first service was held at the E. Boone Watson Community Service with two families in attendance. DFWC moved downtown to 324 S. Main Street later that same year. After meeting downtown for a couple of years, they purchased the property located at 403 Scott Street in 2002. The ministry grew quickly and in 2009, after paying off 403 Scott, DFWC purchased the property across the street at 406 Scott Street and built our current church, which is approximately 20,000 square feet. DFWC has faithfully served the Jonesboro community for over 23 years through outreach and partnerships and continues to make an impact.


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Winning Souls, Transforming Lives, and Restoring Generations.
Developing Followers Into Leaders


Children Praying
  • We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. He was crucified, buried, and on the third day He rose from the dead.

  • We believe that when one accepts Christ as the Lord of their life in accordance to Romans 10:9-10 that he or she is a new creation. Old things are passed away, and all things become new.

  • We believe in the indwelling and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

  • We believe that the Bible is the written Word of God.

  • We believe in bringing Tithes and Offerings into the church. Giving and caring for the poor, sick, homeless, and less fortunate.

  • We believe in miracles and divine healings in the name of Jesus and that it is the will of God for all to be healed.

  • We believe in the rapture of the Church, that the dead in Christ shall rise first, and that we who remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.

  • We believe in water baptism as immersion in water in the name of the Lord Jesus.

  • We believe in heaven and hell and that where one spends eternity after death is based on the decision he makes to accept or reject the finished work of Christ.


"To teach and proclaim the freedom and deliverance brought to the church through the finished work of Christ"


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Bible Study

Tuesdays 6:00 PM

Church Services

Sundays 10:30 AM


Your generosity strengthens the foundation of our church, enabling us to carry forward our mission with purpose and determination.

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